Dear fellow patriot,
How would you enjoy suddenly a reputation as a "CEO of Your Own Power Plant"? I'll tell you my biggest thrill is still on those days when I'm tearing open my power bill with childish-glee each month throwing aside the envelop and holding up the latest check that the power company had no choice but to send me because I am feeding excess energy back into the grid. That's when you really earn your respect from the power companies - when they pay you, not the other way around! And that's why I'm convinced you'll LOVE this.
Here's what this is all about: My name is Dr. Jason Stone and until recently I was your basic "stupidity tax" payer. The sad thing is my life at that time became consumed with paying off that DAMN MONTHLY ELECTRICITY BILL. I would check accounts daily, and even on my lunch sit at work calculating what I could do to conserve more. What costs I would cut next ?! What the final owed amount was ?! When would I escape this maze of bills?! How many more months would it take?! And this came with all other day to day problems that come with life!
I tried to keep this away from my wife as it was emotionally hard and my money saving became a little absessive, somewhat OCD. I swear I've stood at the edge of the lake, holding my power bills over my head, one emotional hair-trigger away from tossing the whole mess and putting an end to it all.